Are you thinking about becoming a foster carer?

It’s a big decision and we feel that when you’re taking your first steps in the fostering journey, you may find that you have more questions than answers.
Here at Care Visions Fostering, we have a preparation process to help potential foster carers think about whether fostering is the right choice for them.

Care Visions Fostering offers a great workshop in the form of a supportive, informal group with others who are at the same stage in the fostering journey as you. This is a workshop-based training session called ‘Skills to Foster’. It’s designed to help people make an informed decision and explore the fostering journey in more detail.

Can't make the dates you've been offered? Don't worry! We usually run skills to foster every 3 months, so there will be other chances to get involved. The workshop itself is led by members of our Fostering Team who have years of experience working with both carers and children. Not only are they there to shed some light on the fostering process, but they’re also well placed to answer all your questions – no matter how big or small.

So, what do we cover?

On day one, we explore the reasons why our young people become ‘looked after’ by foster carers and discuss what they need from those who are looking after them. You will learn about the role and the tasks involved in becoming a foster carer – it’s rewarding, challenging, and probably one of the most important things you will do in your life so far!

Throughout ‘Skills to Foster’, we have lots of discussion surrounding our different backgrounds and experience, which helps to appreciate every individual for who they are. At Care Visions Fostering, we welcome enquiries from a wide range of applicants, regardless of whether you are single, part of a couple, are from an ethnic minority, sexuality, age and gender. We want to hear from you! Given the diversity in Scotland, we know that is important that children who can understand a wide range of beliefs and are able to support a child with their own identity.

On day two, we learn that although our carers are caring for children in their own homes, there is a wider team of people who will be working together with both the carer and the young person. This can include the young person’s family, their schools, health care professionals and social workers.

Last but not least, the support you receive from Care Visions will be discussed in detail – from your own allocated social worker whose priority is to ensure you have day to day guidance, to a dedicated 24/7 helpline which can assist with any issues that may arise. Teamwork is at the core of what we do, so we’ll help you understand and give you the reassurance that your worker will be with you on your journey, helping you every step of the way.

On day three, – phew! – you’ve learned so much already! On the final day, you’ll discuss how we keep our young people safe and ensure that they remember all their special memories through keeping mementoes and photographs.

As part of day three, you’ll have the opportunity to meet (virtually) some of our experienced foster carers, who are invited to share their own journey with you. We’ve had consistently positive feedback regarding this aspect of ‘Skills to Foster’, as it’s very powerful being able to hear about their personal experiences and the realities of fostering.

Overall, these sessions are designed for you, the prospective foster carer. By the end of day three, you will have a better understanding of the role of foster carers with Care Visions and we can now decide together about your next steps.

So, what are you waiting for? Fill out our online enquiry form and our team will be in touch!