It’s important to note that no type of placement is “better” than another - whether a child is in long or short-term care ultimately depends on what is in their best interests (depending on their individual needs and circumstances).
In a long term placement, a foster child lives with your family until such time as they may be able to return to live with their own family. In Scotland, this refers to a period longer than 24 months. It is important to be mindful that we cannot predict how long the child will need to be with a fostering family as that is dependent on a range of factors for example; their parent's capacity to meet their needs, to provide a safe caring environment and to address any personal issues which might have impacted on their ability to parent the child previously.
In some situations, for example, where it is considered detrimental to the child’s best interests, it may not be possible to reunite children and young people with their birth families.
Frequently, children who have left long term placements remain in touch with their foster families long after they have grown up and left home, as they have had time to bond with their families and establish long-term positive relationships with them.
Depending on their circumstances, a long term placement may offer the level of consistency and security a looked-after child needs in order to thrive. When their Foster Carer has the opportunity to provide long term support this can go a long way to help children and young people heal from their previous trauma and loss.
Simply fill out the form below to get your FREE foster carer info pack. By filling in the form there is no obligation to foster, we just want to discuss with you where you are at and help you on your journey.